Monday, May 24, 2010


Friends do things for one another
they understand
they go a million miles and out of their way
they hold my hand they bring smiles
when a smile is exactly wht I need

They listen and they ear
what is said in the space between the words
they care
and they let ME know
Im in their prayers.

Friends always know the perfect things to do
they can make my whole day
just by saying sumthing that no one else
could have said

sumtimes I feel like two of US
share a secret laguage
that other cant tone into.

A friends can guide me,inspire me
comfort me or light up my life with laughter
A friends understand my moods
and nurtures my needs
A friends lovingly knows what me after

Friends bring sunlight into my life
they warm my lifr with their presence
whether they are far away
or close by my side

A friends is a gift
that brings happiness
and a treasure
that money cant money

to all my friends and
Ex students Smk Ahmad Boestamam.(1A3[03],2A2[04],3A4[05].4K1[06])
Ex-students Smk Bandar Baru Sri Petaling(5C[07])
Limkokwing university July intake(08)[Foundation in Bisnes]
Limkokwing university January intake(09)[Foundation in Communication]

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